Bag People collects information about you when you visit our website through our automated data collection tools including “cookies”.  This is information automatically generated by your visit to this website.

A cookie is a small text file with a unique identification number that is transferred from this website to your device allowing Bag People to identify your browser type, domain name, language, time you accessed the website, the web address from which you arrived at this website, your Internet Protocol (IP) address and the pages of this website that you have viewed.

Cookies are used for a variety of things that help improve your online experience.  If you’re shopping online with Bag People and have put something in your Cart a cookie will make sure that the item stays in your Cart when you move to a different page and then on to the checkout.

Other ways cookies can improve our online service include :

  • faster login by remembering your customer details
  • optimising pages for your browser/device
  • quicker page load by load balance across computers
  • access to self-help information

Cookies can help deliver content that matches your preferences and some cookies ensure your information is secure when using our services.

We use cookies to measure and analyse how visitors use our site.  This informations assist with ongoing development and improvement of our online services.

There are 2 types of cookies :
Session cookies – these only last until you close your browser.  They are not stored on your device.  They are usually used to track the pages that you visit so that information can be customised for you for that visit.

Persistent cookies – these are stored on your device until you delete them or they reach their expiry date. These may be used to remember your preferences when you use the site.

You can visit our website without revealing any personal information.  But we will ask for your details when purchasing from our website or if you contact us via an online form.

If you choose to ‘share’ Bag People content via Social Media (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, etc) you might be sent cookies from these websites.  We don’t control the setting of these cookies, so please check those websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.

More information about information sharing can be found in our Privacy Policy.
